Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Dinkelbühl 2024

For a year now, May 23rd-26th has been on my calendar for the Sketchtour Dinkelsbühl. We added this date to our three-week vacation.

This is the third time that we (my husband too) have taken part in Bettina Ruppert's meetings. It was great to see the sketchers from Germany and the Czech Republic again. 

Despite a bad forecast, the weather was wonderful and the small, colorful town glowed and shone.

The nice thing about a sketch meeting like this is that you can draw others without any inhibitions. And in general I can say - sketchers are nice people! 

Hunt for towers along the city wall.

When Bettina Ruppert organizes a meeting, you can be sure that there will be a night sketch. 

A big THANKS for Bettina for a great Organisation and as she says "after the sketchtour is before the sketchtour"