Since it was the third time for me in „Algo“ (here are the previous posts from 2018 and 2016) it was a little bit like coming home. The long plaza with two rows of orange trees in front of the church is still the center of life.
At any given time in the day there is a different activity there.
Siesta time. The Plaza is empty |
I loved the view from our window. Again and again I tried to catch the exceptional light. While looking at these sketches I still hear the sounds of cocks and chickens, which had whoken us up every day…
I was lucky this time. There was another non-gliding wife in our group and - unbelievably - she also liked sketching and had a sketchbook and pencils with her! So we spent the time together moving from one shaded spot to another, sketching in Algodonales and enjoying every minute of it.
We also visited Ronda,
and Grazalema.
Next October is already booked :)